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Kids Flex (Monthly) 🎓 $ 49.00

Ideal for self-paced learners, offering access to interactive tools, quizzes, and pre-recorded lessons with the flexibility to add live group or private coaching sessions for an additional fee.

Courses included :

Introducing Family Members
Simple Self-Introductions
Expanding Numbers
More Colors
Action Sentences
Expressing Emotions
Types of Transportation
Food and Drinks
Changing Colors
Using Complex Sentences
Coachers Mandarin Proficiency Questionnaire
Kids Chinese 1-on-1: Per Session
Kids Chinese Group: Per Session
Coachers Personalized Mandarin Questionnaire
Level 0: Foundation🌟
Level 1: Beginner📕
Level 2: Intermediate📗
Level 3: Advanced📘
Coachers Mastery Course